Jorinde wins Inter 1 with Domenico during CDN Turnhout

Last weekend Jorinde was riding Domenico and Ampere’s Diamond in the Inter 1 during CDN Turnhout. She won the test with Domenico with a score of 71.1%. With Ampere’s Diamond she finished in a nice third place with 70.2%. She obtained the second international selection for both horses. With Just a Little bit Krack Jorinde came in second with 68.5% in the PSG.

The students of Verwimp also did not score very well in Turnhout. Kris Schepkens was third in the PSG with 66+%. Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen set a personal best of 69% in the Inter 1. Yinthe Van de Ven achieved a score of 66.9% in the Inter 1. All in all, a very rewarding weekend for the Amazons!

Photo: Ampere’s Diamond

Credits: MP Paardenfotografie

Jorinde and Golddream van de Kempenhoeve win Inter 1 during CDN Dentergem

Last weekend Jorinde rode her last National dressage competition of 2021. For the Inter 1 she saddled Golddream van de Kempenhoeve (by Jazz) and Just a little bit Krack v/h Klaverhof (by Tango).

With Golddream she won the Inter 1 with 69.7%, Just a little bit Krack v/h Klaverhof followed in third place with 68.9%. For the PSG she saddled River Rise Benetton (by Bennetton Dream) with which she achieved a nice fourth place with a score of 67.1%.

Pupil Ruut Pasgang and her James finished second in the PSG with a score of 68% and in the Inter 1 she took fifth place with 66%. Kris Schepkens achieved a score of 66.2% in the same class with Rose Jolie.

Photo: River Rise Benetton
Credits: MB Paardenfotografie

Jorinde wins Inter 1 debute with Ampere’s Diamond during CDN Turnhout

Last weekend the National dressage was held during CDN Turnhout. For the Inter 1, Jorinde got the 7-year-old Ampere’s Diamond from the stable. With no less than 72.2%, the combination won this class during their debut. With Just a Little bit Krack Jorinde achieved a score of 68.6%.

Jorinde rode the Short Grand Prix with Charmer, winning her second international selection with a score of 68.7%. Alexa Fairchild, Wim’s student, won the Short Grand Prix with Dabanos with no less than 72%.

Pupil Ruut Pasgang rode the PSG with her James and achieved a nice 5th place with a score of 68.3%. In the Inter I unfortunately she had some mistakes and put down a score of 66%.

And in the same weekend Elise Verwimp rode Delyse during the Aachen Youngstars. On Saturday, the combination achieved a score of 69.1%. Yesterday they scored a nice score of 71.3%.

All in all a very creditable weekend for Dressuurstal Verwimp and her students.

Photo: Ampere’s Diamond, Digishots

Victory for Jorinde Verwimp in the CDI3* Freestyle to music during CDI Zandhoven!

Last Saturday, Team Verwimp was present at De Kraal International in Zandhoven. Jorinde and the students Yinthe van de Ven, Anne Peeters, Angelina Hermans and Aude Verheecke competed in this international dressage competition. Jorinde won the CDI3* freestyle to music together with Charmer (S. Charmeur). The students of Jorinde, Yinthe van de Ven and Aude Verheecke, and the students of Wim, pony riders Anna Peeters and Angelina Hermans, also rode beautiful tests!

Jorinde had saddled her horse Charmer for the Medium tour. She won Intermediare A (71.030%) as well as Intermediare II (72.11%) and the Freestyle to music (76.35%). A very successful weekend for Jorinde and the nine-year-old Oldenburger Charmer!

Other results:

Wednesday, August 11th 2021
CDIP Angelina Hermans – Macho – 67.476% – 8th place
CDIP Angelina Hermans – Djamila 36 – 65.048% – 14th place
CDIP Anna Peters – Balotelli 2 – 65% – 15th place
CDIP Aude Verheecke – Enzo Leco – 62% – 19th place

Young rider CDIY Team Competition – Yinthe van de Ven – No-Limit CV – 68.481% – 2nd place

Thursday, August 12th 2021
CDIP Aude Verheecke – Enzo Leco – 66.892% – 11th place
CDIP Anna Peeters – Balotelli 2 – 66.752% – 12th place
CDIP Angelina Hermans – Djamila 36 – 64.144% – 17th place
CDIP Angelina Hermans – Macho – 64.054% – 18th place

Young rider CDIY Individual competition – Yinthe van de Ven – No-Limit CV – 66.324% – 4th place

Friday, August 13th 2021
CDIP Anna Peeters – Balotelli 2 – 71.917% – 6th place
CDIP Angelina Hermans – Djamila 36 – 68.617% – 10th place
CDIP Aude Verheecke – Enzo Leco – 65.767% – 13th place

Young rider CDIY Freestyle – Yinthe van de Ven – No-Limit CV – 67.833% – 5th place

Belgian dressage team sets foot on Japanese soil

It’s time for some behind-the-scenes photo’s in the Olympic Village! The Belgian dressage team set foot on Japanese soil last weekend. Riders Domien Michiels, Larissa Pauluis, Laurence Roos will represent Belgium in the Olympic ring for the first time in nearly a hundred years on the 24th of July. Wim Verwimp supervises student and first reserve Alexa Fairchild.

The entire team consists of:

  • Domien Michiels with Intermezzo van het Meerdaalhof (Gribaldi x Balzflug)
  • Larissa Pauluis with Flambeau (Ampère x Zeolite)
  • Laurence Roos with Fil Rouge (Stedinger x Argentinus)
  • Reserve Alexa Fairchild with Dabanos D’O4 (Abanos x Donnerschlag)

Keep an eye on our website for current updates from our Facebook page for more behind the scenes footage!

Alexa Fairchild to the Tokyo Olympics 2021

After it only recently became clear that Belgium may send a dressage team to the Olympic Games, the Belgian team was announced by the KBRSF last weekend. It concerns the riders Domien Michiels, Larissa Pauluis and Laurence Roos. Wim Verwimp’s student Alexa Fairchild has qualified as first reserve with Dabanos D’O4 and will travel to Tokyo. A dream come true for the ambitious rider!

The qualification of the Belgian dressage team for the 2021 Olympic Games is a historic achievement. Because the Irish federation has decided not to send a dressage team and Luxembourg does not have enough combinations that meet the minimum scores, Belgium has been selected to send a team to Tokyo. The country had a dressage team for the last time at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928.

The Belgian Equestrian Federation (KBRSF) has appointed the riders Domien Michiels (Intermezzo van de Meerdaalhof), Larissa Pauluis (Flambeau) and Laurence Roos (Fil Rouge) to represent Belgium as a team. In 2019 Laurence Roos already obtained an individual starting place for Belgium for the Tokyo Games 2020. Alexa Fairchild (Dabanos D’O4) and Thibault Vandenberghe (Santiago Song) support the team as reserves. Thibault Vandenberghe is quarantined in Aachen as a non-travelling reserve.

Alexa Fairchild has had Wimp Verwimp and Anky van Grunsven as motivational trainers for years. With the guidance of Wim and the talent of Dabanos D’O4, she was able to prepare extremely well for the Olympic Games.

We wish the Belgian team and ofcourse our team members Alexa Fairchild and Dabanos D’O4 every success in the preparations!

Emma Driesen wins the first prize at CDN Dentergem!

Team Verwimp was present at the CDN Dentergem competition last weekend. Great results were achieved during the Prix St Georges debut of Amperes Diamond vh Klaverhof and River Rise Benneton. Pupils Ruut Pasgang and Emma Driessen also did a great job! Read more about the results below.

Last weekend Jorinde had her Prix St Georges debut with the 10-year-old gelding River Rise Benneton and the 7-year-old gelding Amperes Diamond vh Klaverhof. Jorinde rode nice tests with both horses. She could steer them through the track with a lot of control. There were some minor mistakes due to the lack of experience at this level. However, the scores were close to each other, as she rode with River Rise Benneton to a percentage of 68.1% and with Amperes Diamond vh Klaverhof a percentage of 67.9%. Jorinde is very happy with the development of both horses with space for improvement!

Ruut Pasgang also presented her horse James Pleasure in the Prix St Georges. Unfortunately, there were some mistakes in the test due to the tension. Nevertheless, the trial was rated with a nice percentage of 65.2%. A great goal for the training sessions at home to work even more on relaxation during the test.

Emma Driessen was very successful in Dentergem. With her horse Grace she won first prize in the Young Riders Par Equipe test with 70.2%. Congratulations with this beautiful result!

A dream debut for Jorinde and Charmer in Le Mans!

Last weekend Jorinde was present with two horses at the CDI** at Boulerie Jump – Pôle Européen du Cheval in Le Mans. Together with Charmer she had her debut in Intermediaire B and Intermediaire 2. Jorinde had a great performance by winning both classes! Read the results below.

Jorinde rode Charmer for the first time in the Intermediate B class. Charmer is a 9 year old gelding with many qualities. The combination won this class with a nice score of 70.4%. The next day Jorinde rode with Charmer in the Intermediaire 2. A tough test in preparation for the Grand Prix, but Charmer did his very best as always. They took first place with a score of 68.6%!

Besides Charmer Jorinde also had Juwel Krack v/h Klaverhof with her to Le Mans. With this stallion she competed in the Prix St. Georges class. It was a nice test which resulted in a percentage of 67.7% and a 6th place in the standings.

Team’s Verwimp student Olga Slasheva presented her horse Bacardi to the jury in Le Mans. The combination came second in the Intermediate I with a score of 68%. In the Freestyle kür to music Olga and Bacardi took the victory with a nice percentage of 73%.

Jorinde wins the PSG with Grace at CDN Weelde

Team Verwimp was present at CDN Weelde last weekend. Jorinde presented the horse Grace in the Prix St. Georges and wrote the victory to her name. Pupils Elise Verwimp and Louise Brauwers also rode neat tests and achieved good scores in the Children and Juniors. Read the results below.

Prix St. Georges

Yesterday Jorinde was at a competition with the mare Grace. She is owned by Emma Driessen, but Jorinde took the test this weekend due to the exam period of the ambitious rider. She presented Grace in the Prix St. Georges and won this class convincingly with a percentage of 70.2%.

Children & juniors

Elise Verwimp presented her horse Boemerang in the Children class. She rode two neat tests, where she unfortunately made a mistake in the trot of the first test. Her horse Boemerang jumped into gallop too early. Despite some lost points, Elise still achieved a neat percentage of 69% in the team test. In the Individual test she rode a beautiful test without mistakes, resulting in a nice score of 73%.

Pupil Louise Brauwers rode with her horse Esprit in the Juniors at CDN Weelde. The golden combination rode a good Junior team test, which was appreciated by the jury with 68%. With the achieved results, there is enough motivation for team Verwimp to prepare the horses for the next competition!

It was a day of just not winning!

During CDN Dentergem last weekend, Jorinde took four horses to present in the ring. As Jorinde described it was “a day of just not winning” for her, but she should certainly not be dissatisfied at all. With all four horses, Jorinde finished in the top 3 of the rankings and rode scores above 67%!

First of all, Jorinde started the horse Ampere’s Diamond v / h Klaverhof in the seven-year-old class. The jury gave her a high percentage of 75.3%.  This was good for a second prize.

Jorinde then presented her gelding Cape Town in the highest class, the Grand Prix. The combination rode a very nice test which was appreciated by the jury with 67%. This percentage was also good for a second prize.

Intermediate I & Level 4.3

After Jorinde made her Intermediaire 1 debut with Nolimit at the beginning of May, this combination has gotten quite the good feeling. Two weeks ago she already took first prize with 69.6% on CDN Grote Brogel. This weekend the jury appreciated the Intermediaire 1 test with 69.7% and a second prize. Jorinde temporarily ride Nolimit for owner Yinthe van de Ven, who unfortunately is injured after a fall.

Last but not least, Jorinde started her gelding River Rise Benetton in class 4.3. She was also able to ride a nice test with this horse. This time no second prize, but a third prize and a nice percentage of 67.7%.