Dispar Voulgo back after a year long competition break

Last Saturday Jorinde Verwimp and several Team Verwimp team members were present at CDN Sint-Truiden. Jorinde participated with Gelinia van Kairos (s. Charmeur) for the second time during the Prix St. George and managed to secure a spot on the podium here. After a one-year break from competition, the talented Dispar Voulgo (s. Negro) also competed this weekend. Jorinde Verwimp rode him during the Prix St. George. Team members Emma Driesen, Ruut Pasgang and Hannelore Volders also had a good competition during CDN Sint-Truiden.

Rising line

After Gelinia van Kairos (also called Grace) her Prix St. George debut a week ago, Jorinde competed with the talented Charmeur mare for the second time in the same class last weekend. During the test the mare showed already a lot of improvement compared to last week, which resulted in a score of 70.8% and a second placement. Dispar Voulgo (s. Negro) was allowed to compete again after a year. Although he still misses routine, he already showed a nice test during the PSG that accounted for 66.9% and a fourth place.

Victory for Emma Driesen

Pupil of Jorinde, Emma Driesen, also appeared in the ring last weekend. With the black gelding Cardento (s. Painted Black) she competed during the Juniors. Despite the heat during the weekend, Emma had a winning test with Cardento during the Junior Team Test. The combination has already scored well in recent matches. With the last results Emma got here points to compete internationally in the future. The upcoming week she will prepare for her international debut which will be a few weeks.

Podium for Ruut Pasgang

Ruut Pasgang competed with her two horses James and Limit Begijnhoeve during CDN Sint-Truiden. Ruut is also in training with Jorinde and managed to score really good with both horses. With her 4-year-old Limit she competed in the category for 4-year-old and managed to get third place with a score of 76.8%. With her 6-year-old James she competed at Level 4.3. The gelding had some tension which kept the final score at 65.2%. Hannelore Volders, in training with Wim Verwimp, competed with Dominico the Inter I. She achieved a score of 68.5% here.

But the weekend was not all about performance. Jorinde also went to the beach with Tiamo. A perfect way for both horse and rider to alternate training sessions.

Prix St. George debut with Gelinia van Kairos

A successful competition day last Sunday during CDN Peer for team Verwimp. Jorinde Verwimp made a winning debut during the Prix St. George with the talented Charmeur mare Gelinia van Kairos. Emma Driesen and Louise Brauwers participated in the Juniors where the amazons dominated the podium. In addition, Yinthe van de Ven achieved a nice score during her Young Riders test. With this score she also confirmed her international selection. But also the other team members of Team Verwimp showed what they were worth during the competition.

Winning debut

Jorinde rode with the Charmeur mare Gelinia van Kairos (also known as Grace) for the first time during a Prix St. George. Although it was a debut in this class for the mare, the combination managed to put in a great test that got them a nice score of 69.7%. With this Jorinde immediately managed to win this class.

Podium places at Juniors

Podium places were also achieved during the Juniors. The amazons Emma Driesen, who trains with Jorinde Verwimp, and the pupil of Wim Verwimp, Louise Brauwers, rode successfully during the Juniors. With the black Cardento (by Painted Black) Emma rode in the first test with 70.1% to second place. In its second test, the combination scored 69.7% and thus comes in first place. Louise rode the first class with her Johnson gelding Esprit to a score of 69.6% and a third place. Her second test was rewarded with 68.7% and a second place finish.

Scoring amazons

At the Young Riders, Yinthe van de Ven, in training with Jorinde, confirmed that she is ready to start internationally. With her No Limit CV she drove a neat score of 66%. Pony rider Maïté Colling rode to a final percentage of 71.2%. Ruut Pasgang, also in training with Jorinde, participated in the 4- and 5-year category. With Limited Edition Begijnhoeve she got a nice score of 75.6% during the 4-year-old class. With the 5-year-old D’Accord she rode to a final score of 75.6%.

Jorinde Verwimp has two more horses to start international with

After last weekend Jorinde Verwimp has two horses with which she can start with internationally. With the horses Juwel Krack v / h Klaverhof (s. Jazz) and Gina’s Pearl (s. Jazz) she participated in the Inter I during CDN Turnhout. By riding strong tests Verwimp achieved the second international score with both horses. CDN Turnhout was also a great success for the pupils of Jorinde and Wim Verwimp.

Flawless test
With the two Jazz offspring Gina’s Pearl and Juwel Krack v / h Klaverhof, Jorinde participated in the Inter I. The test with Juwel started very strong where he also managed to get nice points. Unfortunately, at the first pirouette and the flying changes every two, the combination got a few mistakes leaving the final score at 66.3%. For Gina’s Pearl it was only the second time in the Inter I. Nevertheless, the gelding showed a flawless test which was scored with 69.4%.

Score with the Juniors
During the Juniors, team members of Dressuurstal Verwimp, Louise Brauwers and Emma Driessen both managed to achieve great scores. For Emma Driessen, pupil of Jorinde Verwimp, It was a debut as she competed during Juniors for the first time with Cardento (by Painted Black). But even though it was her debut with the gelding, she managed to get a score of 69.5%. With this she immediately obtained her first international score. Louise Brauwers, also in training with Wim, released her Johnson offspring Esprit. After a good test, the combination managed to achieve 68%. Yinthe van de Ven, pupil of Jorinde, drove with her No Limit CV to 67.8% with the Young Riders. Due to this achievement, she has achieved her last international score.

Super result for Ruut Pasgang
During the 4-Years class which was organized during CDN Turnhout, Ruut Pasgang, Jorinde’s pupil, participated with her talented Limited Edition Begijnhoeve. The combination showed a very strong test and got a super score of 76%. Britt van de Weyer, Wim’s pupil, also scored well in the Pony class. With her pony Constantino she rode a strong test that yielded a nice score of 69%.

It was a successful competition for everyone at Team Verwimp with results to be proud of.

International debut during CDI Grote Brogel Belgium

The competition rhythm starts to come back for Jorinde Verwimp. Last weekend she participated with Just a Little Bit Krack v / h Klaverhof (by Tango) and Golddream v / d Kempenhoeve during the international competition CDI Grote Brogel Belgium. This was the first international competition after the competition break caused by Corona. Verwimp was able to perform strongly with both horses.

Nice scores

During CDI Grote Brogel, Verwimp performed with two horses both the Prix St. George and the Inter I. Jorinde very well. In the Prix St. George and the Inter I, Golddream had a few small mistakes. Nevertheless, the PSG test got a score of 70.980% with a fourth place. The Inter I test was placed fifth with 68.677%. Also present during the Inter I was team member of Team Verwimp, Diete Vos. With her gelding Dandy L she achieved a score of 66%.

International debut

For the Tango mare, Just a Little Bit Krack v / h Klaverhof, the multi-day competition was an international debut. The mare had a great debut with two good, almost faultless tests. At the Prix. St George finished the combination in third place with 71.177%. But als during the Inter I got the combination good results. The third place was achieved with exactly 70%. “I am very satisfied with both horses. It was nice to start again internationally after the lockdown ”, says a satisfied Jorinde Verwimp.

Inter I debut for Gina’s Pearl at CDN Flemalle

Team Verwimp was present at CDN Flemalle last weekend. Jorinde rode with three horses of which she won the Prix St. George with Cardento (by Painted Black). With the horses Gina’s Pearl and Juwel Krack v / h Klaverhof (by Jazz) she participated in the Inter I. This was the debut in the Inter I for Gina’s Pearl. In the Juniors and Young Riders category, the pupils of team Verwimp also drove to neat scores.


Verwimp wins the Prix St. George

Jorinde competed in the Prix St. George with the talented Painted Black son Cardento. The judges enjoyed their test which gave Verwimp a score of 69.5% and a first place. Just below Jorinde was the third place for Wim Verwimp’s pupil, Diete Vos. With her Dandy L she also managed to put down a nice test in the Prix St. George, which was scored at 69%.


Inter I debut for Gina’s Pearl

In the Inter I Jorinde competed with Gina’s Pearl and also with Juwel Krack v / h Klaverhof (v. Jazz). For Gina’s Pearl this was the first time in the Inter I. The combination managed to put down a neat test during the debut, which was immediately assessed with 68.5%. As a result, it was not only a successful debut, but also the first international score. A great achievement. Unfortunately, a pirouette with Juwel Krack v / h Klaverhof did not go according to plan, so that score remained at 64.5%.


Ruut Pasgang

Pupil of Jorinde, Ruut Pasgang, brought her two horses with her to participate at CDN Flemalle. With her black gelding James she competed at the Level 4.3 class. Despite the tension, the combination managed to show some really good parts during the test. With this they got placed 4th with a score of 65%. With her 4-years old Limit Edition Begijnhoeve, she competed during the 4-year-old class. With a great test she got a great score of 72.2% and again a 4th place.


Pupils score well

Pupils of Team Verwimp Louise Brauwers and Maite Colling competed during the Juniors at CDN Flemalle. Louise Brauwers, who is in training with Wim Verwimp, appeared in the ring with her Johnson gelding Esprit. The combination managed to put down a neat test that got them 68.5%. Jorinde’s pupil, Maite Colling, had brought her Rapallo. Maite also had an excellent test with which she achieved a score of 65.9%. Yinthe van de Ven, also in training with Jorinde, rode her No Limit CV with the Young Riders. Both tests accounted for 65%. Emma Driessen and Matthias Dieltjens also participated during CDN Flemalle. Unfortunately, the horses had too much tension to compete.


Victories for Jorinde Verwimp during CDN Dentergem

CDN Dentergem was again a success as always. Last weekend Jorinde Verwimp competed with five horses. The participated in the PSG, the Inter I and the Grand Prix. At both the PSG and Inter I Verwimp managed to leave the competition behind. The pupils of Jorinde and Wim Verwimp also participated at CDN Dentergem last weekend. Every single one of them managed to perform really well.

Minimum score difference during PSG

During the Prix St. George Jorinde competed with Gina’s Pearl and Cardento (s. Painted Black). With both horses she managed ride well scored tests that differed only 0.1% from each other with the final percentage. With the black Cardento a total of 69.1% was achieved and with that also a second place. The test with Gina’s Pearl became the winning one in the PSG with 69.2%.

Victory during the Inter I

Jorinde also took the Jazz son Golddream with her to CDN Dentergem. With him she competed during the Inter I and managed to get a first place with 71.5%. The last talent with which Jorinde appeared in the ring was Cape Town (s. Conteur). The combination appeared in the Grand Prix and achieved a score of 70.5%. Pupil of Wim Verwimp, Alexa Fairchild, also participated during the Grand Prix. With her Dabanos she also performed well with a score of 70.1%.

First international score for Matthias Dieltjens

But Alexa wasn’t the only high-scoring pupil during CDN Dentergem. After the Junior, Louise Brauwers and Maite Colling came home with great scores. Louise, pupil of Wim, rode a score of 69.7% with Esprit (by Johnson). Jorinde her pupil Maite Colling competed with Rapallo and got a great score of 66.8% for her test. In the Young Riders Matthias Dieltjens, also a pupil of Jorinde, showed an upward trend with the mare Kalahari compared to his previous test. He scored 66.4% and achieved his first international score.

Podium places at the Pony section

Team Verwimp was also present during the Pony tests. Britt van de Weyer, pupil of Wim, and Maite Colling managed to dominate the podium in the Pony class. With her pony Donaldson, Maite managed to achieve a score of 70% and finished in 3rd place. Britt also showed what she is worth with Constantino, scoring 71.4% to get first place.

First competition for Team Verwimp after corona break  

Team Verwimp has been looking forward to last weekend for a long time. After excellent preparations, such as organizing various competition-oriented clinics, the time had finally come. The first competition after the corona break could be driven. That the preparations were not for nothing was evident from the results of the team members, including a second place in the Prix St. George for Jorinde Verwimp with Cardento and successful debuts of the pupils of Jorinde and Wim Verwimp.

Podium place for Jorinde Verwimp during PSG

Jorinde Verwimp appeared in the ring with three horses during the first competition. With the black Painted Black gelding Cardento she competed at Prix St. George level. The gelding has a lot of quality for the higher work and showed a good test last weekend, which was scored at 69.06% and a second place. In the Inter I Verwimp competed with Just a Little Bit v/h Klaverhof (s. Tango) with which she achieved 69.5% and a 5th place. With Juwel Krack v/h Klaverhof (s. Jazz) she also participated in the Inter I. The jury really appreciated the test and scored it with 66.9%, which immediately resulted in the first international score!

Alexa Fairchild takes podium place

Also present during the Inter I was a student of Wim Verwimp, Diete Vos. With her gelding Dandy L she managed to put down a strong test that was scored with 70.6% and 4th place! But Diete was not the only student of Wim who managed to score well last weekend. For example, Alexa Fairchild and Dabanos competed during the Grand Prix. With 68% she got her second international score and a 2nd place on the podium. Britt van de Weyer competed with Constantino where she got over 70% during the Pony Team Test.

Young Rider debut for Jorinde’s pupils

But not only Wim’s students managed to achieve great scores. Jorinde’s pupils were also representing Team Verwimp. Kevin van Ham got a fantastic 1st place with 67.9% during his debut in the Inter II. During the Young Riders rubric both Yinthe van de Ven and Matthias Dieltjens made their debut. Yinthe competed with her only 7-year-old No-Limit CV and got a really nice 67.6% with which she immediately received her first international score. Matthias competed with the mare Kalahari with which he showed a nice trot. Unfortunately, he had a few mistakes during the pirouettes which left the score at 64%


In short, it was almost a competition weekend as usual!

Azelhof new location for Belgian Dressage Championship

The main task of the national dressage committee is to ensure a positive development of our dressage sport in Belgium. In this context, the preparation of the race calendar and the associated allocation of the Championships is an important aspect.

Read the rest of the message here.

Team Verwimp dominates the stage several times during CDN Dentergem

The podium was dominated during CDN Dentergem in various sections by Team Verwimp. Jorinde Verwimp competed in the 4.3, Inter I and the Grand Prix category. But not only Jorinde achieved great scores during this competition. At Verwimp in the 4.3 section, Yinthe van de Ven and Hannah Buteneers also rode along. Emma Driessen, Louise Brauwers and Maite Colling also competed successfully in the Juniors category.

Stage places during 4.3 level
The first test of Jorinde on Sunday, she rode with Cardento during the 4.3 class. The combination managed to put down a nice test that was rewarded with a score of 71.8% and a first place. The third place on the podium went to Hannah Buteneers who scored 68.2% with Cabri Jolie. Yinthe van de Ven also rode in the 4.3 section with No-limit CV. With a score of 65.3%, the combination came in fifth.

Victory in the Inter I
In addition to 4.3, Jorinde also competed in the Inter I and the Grand Prix. With Just a Little Bit Krack v / h Klaverhof, Verwimp rode the Inter I which successfully resulted in a first place and 69.6%. Jorinde rode Cape Town during the Grand Prix. “It was not our best Grand Prix test ever. We had a few errors that unfortunately reduced our score, “says Jorinde about her test. Despite the errors, the total score was 65.3%.

Successful Juniors
But the 4.3 and the Inter I were not the only sections where Team Verwimp managed to appear on the podium. Emma Driessen, Maite Colling and Louise Brauwers rode with the Juniors. Louise appeared in the ring with both her horse Graaf and Esprit. With Esprit, Louise rode to third place with 68%. With Graaf Brauwers achieved not only a first place with 69.9% but also her last score to start internationally. Maite Colling achieved a score of 66.5% during the individual test, and drove to a final result of 65.5% during the team test. Emma Driessen managed to win their second selection with Grace with 68%, so that they can now start internationally.

CDI winch
Katelijne Maes was not present on the starting list of CDN Dentergem but during CDI Lier. With Ibou van de Kapelhoef, she managed to achieve a super score of 71.7% during the individual test, leaving her competition behind.

International scores during CDN Turnhout

Team Verwimp was again able to perform very well during CDN Turnhout which took place last weekend. During the event, where could be competed in different classes, Jorinde Verwimp appeared in the ring at both the Inter I and the Prix St. George. The pupils of Jorinde and Wim Verwimp also did really good at competition. For the rider Britt Gellens it was the first time after a competition break that she competed with the gelding Cardento. Despite the fact that the combination has taken a break, they managed to score well.

Debut in the Inter I
In the Inter I, Jorinde Verwimp competed with the horses Golddream and Kalahari. The Kalahari mare had an almost flawless test but still has much room for improvement in the overall picture. With a score of 66.9%, the second international score has already arrived. Golddream competed Inter I for the first time and, despite his inexperience, already showed very good parts. With a final result of 67.7%, the first international score has already been achieved immediately. Also present during the Inter I was the rider Diete Vos. With her test she achieved a score of 66%. Outside the Inter I, she also competed in the Prix St. George where she again achieved a score of 66%.

Talent for the future
Verwimp also appeared during the Prix St. George with up-and-coming talent Juwel in the ring. The combination not only achieved a score of 69.2%, but also won the first place. “This was only the second time that Juwel was ridden at Prix St. George level. The test went really well until we got a small error in the flying changes. Everything needs to be confirmed even more, but this already gives me a lot of confidence for the future. “, says Jorinde about Juwel.

Successful pupils
Junior amazons Katelijne Maes, Louise Brauwers and Britt Gellens all managed to put down a strong Junior test. Katelijne Maes took first place after achieving 72.5%. Amazone Louise Brauwers achieved her second international score with her score of 67.8%. For Britt Gellens, it was the first time after a long game break that she appeared in the ring with Cardento, owned by Verwimp. With a score of 66.1% and still plenty of room for improvement, it was a great score for now. Pony rider Britt van de Weyer also achieved her second international score last weekend, after scoring 67.16%.

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